School Health Services.

14 Nov

School health services deal with health appraisals, control of communicable diseases, record keeping and supervision of the health of school children and personnel. It is the aspect that concerns itself with the evaluating the health of an individual objectively. The responsibilities of the unit involves:

1. To promote the growth and development of every child taking into consideration his/her health need.

2. Detect disease and deviation from normal health at an early stage.

3.Prevent communicable and non- communicable diseases among school children, adolescents and staff including identification of malnourished and anemic children with appropriate referrals to PHC  centres and hospital

4. Promote collaboration in a world of interdependence, social interaction and technological exposure in addressing emergent health issues.

5. Provide a healthful and safe school environment that facilitate learning.

6. Provide systems for identification and solution for students' health and educational problem.


 7. To promote  healthy behaviour among children and adolescents that they will inculcate for life, thereby making community and the state a safe  place for us all.


Program Co-ordinator

Mrs. Adejumo Veronica Tina 
